Sunday 2 August 2020

Workday xml vs Simple xml

Workday xml vs Simple xml

There is a difference between Workday XML and Simple XML. Let us understand with a generated report.

We are selecting 6 fields. Shown below are the field types.

Employee ID    - Text
Worker             - BO (Single Instance)
First Name        - Text
Gender              - BO (Single Instance)
Marital_status  - BO (Single Instance)
Age                     - Numeric

Navigation to generate XML -  (Make sure firstly your report is a RaaS Report)

Go to Your Report >> Related Actions >> Web Services >> View URL's

When you generate your xml's , Notice below:

In Simple XML all fields are just fields, it do not differentiate where as in Workday XML notice that the WID's and reference id type show up for each instance related fields ( Single Instance / Multi - Instance).

We can say that, when you run the report and see the related actions on any of the column values, then that is likely to give you WID and reference id type.

Simple XML:

<wd:Report_Data xmlns:wd="">
  <wd:Worker>Aidan Mitzner</wd:Worker>
  <wd:Marital_Status>Single (United States of America)</wd:Marital_Status>
  <wd:Worker>Wesley Kingston</wd:Worker>
  <wd:Marital_Status>Single (United States of America)</wd:Marital_Status>
  <wd:Worker>Xaviere Francois</wd:Worker>
  <wd:Marital_Status>Free Union (France)</wd:Marital_Status>

Workday XML:

<wd:Report_Data xmlns:wd="">
  <wd:Worker wd:Descriptor="Aidan Mitzner">
   <wd:ID wd:type="WID">12831f1b82954a3a0ad85fb85367</wd:ID>
   <wd:ID wd:type="Employee_ID">1234</wd:ID>
  <wd:Gender wd:Descriptor="Male">
   <wd:ID wd:type="WID">d3afbf8074e54970962128e1105a</wd:ID>
   <wd:ID wd:type="Gender_Code">Male</wd:ID>
  <wd:Marital_Status wd:Descriptor="Single (United States of America)">
   <wd:ID wd:type="WID">5e50cb12452487de0caf7f262d4f</wd:ID>
   <wd:ID wd:type="Marital_Status_ID">Single_USA</wd:ID>
  <wd:Worker wd:Descriptor="Wesley Kingston">
   <wd:ID wd:type="WID">480fa11010d6501bfc3dad351f1d</wd:ID>
   <wd:ID wd:type="Employee_ID">1235</wd:ID>
  <wd:Gender wd:Descriptor="Male">
   <wd:ID wd:type="WID">bf8074e549ffb070962128e1105a</wd:ID>
   <wd:ID wd:type="Gender_Code">Male</wd:ID>
  <wd:Marital_Status wd:Descriptor="Single (United States of America)">
   <wd:ID wd:type="WID">5e50cb12452487de0caf7f262d4f</wd:ID>
   <wd:ID wd:type="Marital_Status_ID">Single_USA</wd:ID>
  <wd:Worker wd:Descriptor="Xaviere Francois">
   <wd:ID wd:type="WID">b31600011066de010d5410b714d0</wd:ID>
   <wd:ID wd:type="Employee_ID">1236</wd:ID>
  <wd:Gender wd:Descriptor="Female">
   <wd:ID wd:type="WID">3bec2d0d420283f76f51b928d885</wd:ID>
   <wd:ID wd:type="Gender_Code">Female</wd:ID>
  <wd:Marital_Status wd:Descriptor="Free Union (France)">
   <wd:ID wd:type="WID">f0f5d5eb405b9ffa48755d4d8b41</wd:ID>
   <wd:ID wd:type="Marital_Status_ID">Free_Union_France</wd:ID>
   <wd:ID wd:type="Marital_Status_Code" wd:parent_type="WID" wd:parent_id="6971ffb4bf0b116fe7651ec789a">UNIFRA</wd:ID>

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