Sunday 2 August 2020

Workday Studio Introduction

Workday Studio Introduction

Workday Studio is one of the 3 ways of building your integrations. (Other two include EIB and Core Connector)

For you to work on Studio, you need to have the Eclipse Software installed on your machine. Once you install your software, and go to your application. You will see number of items on the initial page after the welcome page.

Below are some of the detailing as you move on.

Cloud Explorer :

This is the place where you connect your studio you to the Tenant. It could be any tenant.
You need to pass on Tenant Name, User ID, Password in order to get connected.

Preferences > Workday > Connections

** Be cautious when you right click on your project / Integration, Don't tend to click on remove, which will remove from the server / tenant.

Project Explorer :

This is the preview of your work space which means you are accessing you local files. Each folder is an integration. Clicking on Assembly will open the design for  you.


Gives the complete picture of your integration, where you can navigate easily. Check out for different views by clicking the 4 different icons in Outline window.

Design | Tree Structure | mVal | Props(properties) and Variables

Schema Explorer:

You can add WSDL or WSD / You can add WWS (Mostly used for)  / You can add Custom Report schema (Raas) / XSLT

3 different perspectives in seeing your applications -- WD | Debug | Design Report (BIRT)

Workday runs on web services.
Global fields fall under Integration system Business Objects

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