Saturday 8 August 2020

Other Organizational Types & Hierarchies in Workday ?

Other Organizational Types & Hierarchies in Workday ?


Companies are primary organization type used by Workday financials.

Represents a legal entity.

Equates to a single tax ID with in the enterprise.

Most of the delivered financial reports are run in the context of a company. E.g. Balance sheets & Income Statement.

Task Name to create company : Create Company

Cost Centers :

An organization used for financial reporting, such as a financial departments, to track revenue & expenses.

Task Name : Create Cost Center

Membership :

Workers can reside in number of organization types. They must be hired into a supervisory organization, but can also be part of a Cost Center, Company, Region and custom organization.

Matrix Organization :

Allows to create and manage dotted-line relationships between workers and managers

E.g.. A marketing worker and engineer reporting to a marketing manager and Development Manager , respectively , can be assigned to a group that reports to a product manager.

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